International Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting 2015

1 December 2015, Mahidol University

On December 1st, 2015, Mahidol University President, Clin. Prof. Udom Kachintorn, chaired the 1st ASEAN University Network - Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN) International Advisory Committee (IAC) Meeting at the Mahidol Learning Center, Salaya. Participants included 18 AUN-HPN IAC members representing universities from five ASEAN countries, and members of the AUN-HPN Steering Committee, Working Group and AUN-HPN Secretariat based at Mahidol University.

The meeting aimed to strengthen the network in order to reach its objective of improving ASEAN people’s health. Mahidol University also hosted a pre-meeting on November 30th, 2015 chaired by Prof. Dr. Sansanee Chaiyaroj, Vice President for Research and International Relations. The event, attended by IAC members, featured presentations on Mahidol University’s health promotion activities with a focus on Salaya and a site visit to the Thai Health Promotion Foundation in Bangkok.