AUN-HPN Capacity Building Workshop on Health Promotion Research

24-26 July 2017 at the Aetas Lumpini Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.

Goal :

Generate evidences to support the movement towards healthy universities and healthy societies in all areas and levels in ASEAN countries.

Objectives :

  1. Building capacity of researchers in AUN-HPN members to conduct studies on health promotion.
  2. Searching for priority research area for health promotion in ASEAN.
  3. Strengthen network of research community on health promotion among AUN-HPN members.

Date and Venue :

The three day meeting was held on 24-26 July 2017 at the Aetas Lumpini Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.

Operating procedures :

A 3-day workshop for sharing of knowledge and experiences on health promotion research, and exchange of best practices and lessons learned was organized. During the morning session of the first day the participants from member universities were invited to share their knowledge and experiences. Then the participants were divided into three groups to discussion on the concept of health promotion research, methodology, methods on the second day which were conducted by instructors from AUN-HPN Universities and Thai Health Promotion Foundation. On the third day, more discussion on the economic evaluation on health promotion research methods and then general discussion on collaboration and road map for health promotion research in ASEAN countries.