ชื่องานสัมมนา: | Meeting for implementation of MOU between ILO and Mahidol on Master in Social health protection and the Connect |
ที่มาและความสำคัญ: | "The universal health coverage (UHC) is one of the improved and extended social protection coverage. However, it is one of the greatest challenges faced by most countries in the World. It requires the involvement of well-trained experts to develop sustainable Health systems under the limited resources in each country. With support from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the ASEAN Health Institute for Health Development at Mahidol University, Thailand, has developed and launched an innovative 1-year Master’s Degree in Primary Health Care Management (MPHM) and Social Health Protection (SHP) to enhance the capacity of SHP practitioners in the region. The program has been designed for current and future junior and Mid-career social protection experts, Public Health professionals, policy makers, relevant public administrations, independent of the geographical origin. Postgraduate students who are also considering a career in SHP and are interested in either planning, operation, analysis, advocacy, or research in the public sector or NGOs are also encouraged to apply. Regarding to this pilot project, the International Labour organizations (ILO) will extend an agreement, the 2nd Memorandum of Understanding for another 3 years (2022 – 2024) to award full scholarship to qualified candidates from social security institutions and government ministries annually." |
หัวข้อในการสัมมนา: | The 2nd Memorandum of Understanding (duration 3 years from 2022 – 2024) |
สถานที่จัดงาน: | Krasae Chanawongse Meeting Room, 2 nd floor, Administration Building, ASEAN Health Institute for Health Development at Mahidol University |
หน่วยงานที่ร่วมจัดงาน: |
"International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Ministry of Public Health The ASEAN Health Institute for Health Development at Mahidol University, Thailand" |
บทบาทของหน่วยงาน: | Host |
วัตุประสงค์ของการจัดงาน: | The aims of the meeting were to discuss about the 2nd Memorandum of Understanding (duration 3 years from 2022 – 2024) that will provide full scholarship for Master of PHC Management in Social Health Protection and support the development of CONNECT Center as a research platform and information center on social health protection in Asia, it also aimed to build academic capacity, organize short/long training programs, as well as stimulate and promote policies on Social Health Protection to the public. |
จำนวนผู้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรม: | 8 people |
ช่วงเวลาที่จัดกิจกรรม: | 1 Day: on 3 March, 2021 |
ข้อสรุปที่ได้จากงานสัมมนา/Conference (ถ้ามี): | After the meeting, ILO will extend an agreement, the 2nd Memorandum of Understanding for another 3 years (2022 – 2024) |
ผลลัพธ์ที่ได้จากงานสัมมนา/Conference (ถ้ามี): | |
Web link linkเอกสารแนบ/รายงานข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม/เพื่ออ้างอิงผลลัพธ์หรือการดำเนินงาน: | ข่าว: https://aihd.mahidol.ac.th/news/show_news_en.php?news_id=122 |
รูปภาพประกอบ: |
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SDG goal ที่เกี่ยวข้องอื่นๆ: | 3 4 10 |