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AIHD welcomes the president of Dhurakij Pundit University

3 February 2021

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phudit Tejativaddhana, M.D.; Director of ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD, Mahidol University, along with Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sakda Arj-ong Vallibhakara, M.D.; Deputy Director for Research Innovation and Academic Services, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Janjira Wongkomtong; Director of Wellness & Healthcare Business Opportunity for Executives (WHB) program welcomed Dr. Darika Lathapipat; President of Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU) and her colleagues on 3 February 2021 at Krasae Chanawongse Conference room.
The aim of the visit was to exchange knowledge and experiences about creating the health program, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Wellness & Healthcare Business.