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AIHD interviews Deputy Permanent Secretary for Interior about “The synthesis of policy for the development of the district quality of life development”

3 February 2021

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phudit Tejativaddhana, M.D.; Director of ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD and head of the project “The synthesis of policy for the development of the district quality of life development” interviewed Mr.Somkid Chanthamaruk; Deputy Permanent Secretary for Interior about the above-mentioned project via Zoom Meeting on 3 February 2021. The objectives of the meeting were to share information, opinions, and suggestions about the working committee of the local quality of life development, roles of head of local policy committee, management structure, setting goals and operating guidelines, mechanisms, monitoring, evaluation, forwarding policy, problems related to policy management, success factor, suggestions and guidance for future policy. The research project will be analyzed and synthesized, and the results will be considered for developing policy recommendations for the implementation of the district quality of life development and recommending it to the Ministry of Public Health and related other organizations.