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AIHD collaborated with ILO to organize international lecture

18 May 2021

ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD, Mahidol University collaborated with International Labour Organization: ILO, together with alliance; LUXEMBOURG AID & Development, SOCIEUX+ EU Expertise on Social Protection, Labour and Employment to organize “The International Guest Expert Lecture on Support to the Extension of Social Health Protection in South-East Asia – Session 3: Health Financing for Social Health Protection in Europe” by European Commission agency SOCIEUX+ via Zoom meeting on 18 May 2021.
On this occasion, Prof. Konrad Obermann; Senior Lecturer at the Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University Germany lectured on The German Health Care System. Mr. David N. Bernstein; Senior Health Economist and Policy Analyst, Ministry of Health, France lectured on The French Health Care System. There were more than70 participants in the lecture.
This lecture was a part of Master of Primary Health Care Management: MPHM (International program) - Social Health Protection, AIHD that followed the academic policy of allowing students to learn and exchange knowledge with international experts. After the lecture, students and participants also exchanged knowledge and shared ideas that would be useful to develop social health protection in Thailand and other countries in the future.