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AIHD joined the 12th IGSCPP

12 July 2021

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phudit Tejativaddhana, M.D.; Director of ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD, Mahidol University gave an opening speech on The 12th International Graduate Students Conference on Population and Public Health Sciences (IGSCPP) along with Prof. Dr. Sathirakorn Pongpanich, Dean of College of Public Health Sciences (CPHS), Chulalongkorn University, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aree Jampaklay, Director of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University on 12 July 2021 via Zoom Meeting. The IGSCPP was a collaborative endeavor by three academic institutions, The ASEAN Institute of Health Development, Mahidol University, the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, and the College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University.
The conference aimed to provide the graduate students with opportunities to develop their academic presentation skills, offer a platform to graduate students to present their academic papers and research works, expand the participants' academic network, and promote academic cooperation among the participants and the organizers.
On this occasion, Dr. Andrea Bruni; Mental Health Technical Officer, WHO-Iraq (Baghdad) also gave a lecture on “COVID-19 and Its Impact on Mental Health”.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thunwadee Suksaroj, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheerawit Rattanapan, Asst. Prof. Orapin Laosee, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aroonsri MongkolChati, Asst. Prof. Dr. Seo Ah Hong, and Asst. Prof. Somsak Wongsawass participated in the Health Track of the conference as Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, and committee member. There were 6 tracks in this conference, which were the following:
Track 1: Population, Demography, Aging and Migration, Active Aging and Innovation
Track 2: Public Health, Public Health Sciences and Health Social Science, Digital Health and Technology
Track 3: Primary Health Care, Global Health, Health Care Management, Health Promotion, Health Behaviours, Substance abuse, Addiction studies, Mental Health, District Health System, Health System Research, Universal Health Care Coverage, Social Health Protection and Health Security Management, Health Economics, Behavioural Economics, Health Policy and Administration
Track 4: Communicable Diseases (CD) and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Gender and Sexuality, Violence Against Women and Children, STIs and HIV/AIDS, Health Promotion, Health Behaviours
Track 5: Environmental and Occupational Health, Sustainable Development Goals, Global warming, Disaster management, Resilience
Track 6: One Health, Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance.