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AIHD held LM closing ceremony

22 February 2022

On 22 February 2022, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phudit Tejativaddhana, M.D.; Director of ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University congratulated the lifestyle medicine (LM) participants of batch 4 and thanked the speakers, experts, and Preventive Medicine Association of Thailand. He also thanked the Thai Health Promotion Foundation that provided funding at the Grand Richmond Hotel. This training provided content about health behavior adjustment and provided skill development that is important for communication and management in an integrated manner according to the Chronic Care Model.

Dr. Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, M.D.; President of Preventive Medicine Association of Thailand was honored to preside over the meeting and gave certificates to participants. He also mentioned that the knowledge from this training is important information to apply for building on the knowledge and other skills related to preventive medicine. In the past few years, the Medical Council recognized the importance of lifestyle medicine and approved its principles to be included in preventive medicine. If it is officially approved, graduated trainees in lifestyle medicine can apply for the certificate in preventive medicine.