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AIHD joined the CONNECT Steering Committee April Meeting

28 April 2022

On 28th April 2022, the CONNECT Steering Committee April Meeting, organized by International Labour Organization(ILO) and Indigenous Peoples Knowledge (IPK). ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD joined the meeting as one of the founder of CONNECT. This network for social health protection in the Asia-Pacific Region is called CONNECT for Social Health Protection or CONNECT. Aims of CONNECT including capacity building, knowledge development, and awearness and advocacy. AIHD takes the major role as the key member for the capacity building such as MPHM-SHP program. This April meeting including of the agenda of an updated annual work-plan, membership extension, annoucement of actuarial course training participation, and promotional video and newsletter. The participants from Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, South Africa, and Switzerland were actively engage the meeting. AIHD was acknowledge as the key participant in the meeting and soon-to-be the CONNECT secretariate office in the near future.