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AIHD organized the event “Friendship and Cultural Exchange Camp & Mahidol Core Value”

12 – 13 September 2023

On 12 – 13 September 2023, ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University by Doctor of Philosophy Program in Health and Sustainable Development (International Program), Master of Primary Health Care Management (International Program) organized the event held “Friendship and Cultural Exchange Camp & Mahidol Core Value” at Centra by Centara Cha-Am Beach Resort Hua Hin, Phetchaburi. The aim of this event was to support and encourage activities that can enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of Mahidol Core Values and open the stage for arts and cultural exchange by students from various countries. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thunwadee Suksaroj; Acting Deputy Director for Research and Academic Affairs, AIHD lecturers, foreign expert and instructor, and staff from the Office of Education and Academic Services also joined this program.