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AIHD welcomed USM and MUVS

14 November 2023

On 14 November 2023, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mathuros Tipayamongkholgul; Acting for Deputy Director for Research and Academic Affairs, ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD, Mahidol University together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thunwadee Suksaroj; Acting for Deputy Director for Administration, lecturers, and staff welcomed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anuwat Wiratsudakul; lecturer of Faculty of Veterinary Science (VS), Mahidol University, and Dr. Ng Siew Kit; lecturer of Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia, lecturers and students to visit AIHD for exchange knowledge on Global Health at room no.2108, ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheerawit Rattanapan; Program Director of Doctor of Philosophy Program in Health and Sustainable Development (International Program) presented the Global Health work performance of AIHD. Moreover, Dr. Orawan Quansri; researcher, and Mr. Wichukorn Suriyawongpaisal; researcher shared knowledge and experiences on WHO Collaborating Center designation of AIHD. They also discuss on the building collaboration between AIHD and USM.