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AIHD sees importance of records archiving for future references

9 September 2020

Asst. Prof. Dr. Phudit Tejativaddhana, M.D., Director of the ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University, along with Ms. Nuannoi Boonchusong, Head of the AIHD Secretariat, welcomed Ms. Nattagun Apeluxsatean, Head of Mahidol University Archives Administration, Mahidol University Library and Knowledge Center and Information Resource Analysts, Ms. Panchawan Chaodong and Ms. Nualprang Sudthaboon, to AIHD on 9 September 2020 at Krasae Chanawongse Conference room.
The visit of the team from Mahidol University’s Archives Division is centered on introducing the Mahidol University Archives administration, which includes collecting and preserving official records of individuals and organizations associated with the University. The Archives Division also maintains confidential and personal papers of all MU’s faculty members, staff, and students, which are in relation to the University’s history and developments.
AIHD has asked its personnel, whose tasks are related to records keeping, to join the meeting to acquire knowledge and enhance their understanding of the importance of archiving. AIHD has seen the importance and the future benefits of archiving records for safekeeping and for easy access in the future.