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Workshop on technology use in teaching in the New Normal era

7 October 2020

The ASEAN Institute for Health Development #AIHD, Mahidol University, organized a workshop on using technologies in the teaching and learning process during this era of the so-called “New Normal held on 7 October 2020 at the AIHD Training Building.
AIHD has invited Dr. Chutiwat Suwatthipong, lecturer of Educational Technology from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, to serve as the workshop’s speaker.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nantawat Sitdhiraksa, M.D., Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of AIHD, welcomed guest speaker Dr. Chutiwat Suwatthipong to AIHD.
Dr. Chutiwat talked about the appropriate technology to be used in the teaching and learning process, particularly in the “New Normal” period, to the AIHD lecturers and staff.
The workshop aims to provide the AIHD lecturers and staff a venue to acquire knowledge and understanding of different online teaching and learning management systems, including online teaching designs, methods, and platforms to make teaching and learning more efficient and effective.