ภาษาไทย English Intranet ITA

Dr.Akadet Chaichanavichakit

ดร.อัคคเดช ชัยชนะวิชชกิจ

Education / การศึกษา
Ph.D. (International Studies), Waseda University, Japan
A.L.M. (Management: Management and Operations), Harvard University, USA
B.A. (International Affairs),Thammasat University, Thailand
Contact / ติดต่อ
Phone : (66) 2441 9040-3
E-mail : akadet.chc@mahidol.edu
Publications link

Research Interest

  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Business Communication​
  3. International Business​
  4. Economic Sociology​
  5. Migration Studies​


  1. Chaichanavichakit, A. (2024). Undercurrent Forces Beneath a Long-Standing Migration Corridor: A Case Study of Burmese Workers in Thailand. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, 19(2), 1–26. (Scopus-indexed)
  2. Chaichanavichakit, A. (2022). Redrawing a Canvas of Migration Decisions: A Case Study of Cambodian Workers in Thailand. The International Journal of Organizational Diversity, 22(1), 23-42. (Scopus-indexed)
  3. Chaichanavichakit, A. (2018). Rethink Multilayer Migration Decision from Economic Sociology Perspective: A Case Study of Mon Migrant Workers in Thai Seafood Processing Industry. Journal of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, 36, 73-88.
  4. Chaichanavichakit, A. (2016). Changing Dynamic of Migrant Workers in Thailand: Assessment and Implications. Asian Review, 29(2), 59-84.
  5. Chaichanavichakit, A. (2014). Success Across National and Cultural Borders: Four Stages Model for Expatriates’ Cross-Cultural Preparation. Journal of Business Research and Administration, 2(2), 27-48.
  6. Lertpitakpong C, Thachaiyuth, and Hanvoravongchai P. Accessing feasibility and acceptability of health maintenance organizations for medical care service under the social security system: Policy Research. Journal of Health Systems Research 2023;7(1):5-27.
  7. Worasatepongsa, P., Kannasoot A., Sritong, C., Charoenboon, R., Teerakanon, & Chaichanavichakit A. (2014). The Study of AEC’s Impacts on Processed Agricultural Products Manufacturers in Lower Central Provincial Cluster (Group 1) for Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Bangkok: The Ministry of Interior of Thailand and Mahidol University.