ASEAN Institute for Health Development
ภาษาไทย English Intranet ITA


An Evaluation Research of Tuberculosis Program to develop Public Health Education and Community Empowerment Strategies for Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Thailand
Status : Complete
A Synthesis of Community Knowledge Set for Health Improvement Based on Sufficiency Economic Philosophy
Status : Complete
Do age friendly environments promote healthy aging among Thai older population ? know their needs of do planning before too look.
Status : Complete
Environmental Predictive Factors related with Early Childhood Caries Among Thai Children
Status : Complete
Research for Development of Ophthalmology Providers in ASEAN Countries
Status : Complete
Screening and brief intervention for intimate partner violence in pregnant women in primary care facilities in Nakhon Nathom Province, Thailand.
Status : Complete
Screening and concurrent brief intervention of conjoint hazardous or harmful alcohol and tobacco use in primary care in Thailand: a cluster randomized trial
Status : Complete
The utilization of traditional, alternative and complementary medicine for non-communicable diseases and mental disorders in primary care patients in lower Mekong countries.
Status : Complete